Name The Wand Wood How many wand woods from Harry Potter can you name? Take this new quiz to find out. AmazinglyAmberYT published on November 01, 2023 Stacked 1/18 This type of wood produces selective wands that work only for their owner. Acacia Alder Beech Holly 2/18 This type of wood pairs well with agreeable witches and wizards. Apple Elm Alder Larch 3/18 This type of wood is very powerful and is unsuitable for Dark magic. Ash Apple Cedar Fir 4/18 This type of wood is very rare and often makes for a wand with destructive power. Elder Poplar Cypress Cherry 5/18 This type of wood pairs well with those who are gallant and unselfish. Dogwood Cypress Hazel Chestnut 6/18 This type of wood is excellent for use in Transfiguration and prefers a decisive and confident owner. Fir Rowan Hawthorn Pine 7/18 This type of wood is well-suited for both curses and healing magic. Pear Maple Hawthorn Hornbeam 8/18 This type of wood is well-suited to determined owners who enjoy travel. Red Oak Silver Lime Elder Maple 9/18 This type of wood is well-suited to nonverbal spells and always selects an individualistic owner. Pine Poplar Yew Spruce 10/18 This type of wood pairs well with an owner possessing quick reflexes and makes for an excellent dueling wand. Redwood Red Oak Willow Sycamore 11/18 This type of wood pairs well with a mindful owner and can be very useful for charmwork. Cedar Walnut Blackthorn Black Walnut 12/18 This type of wood makes for peculiar wands that refuse to perform nonverbal spells. Elm Vine Dogwood Aspen 13/18 This type of wood performs martial magic well and is often used by duelists. Aspen Beech Cherry Willow 14/18 This type of wood often chooses owners who wish to accomplish something out of the ordinary. Yew Spruce Vine Acacia 15/18 This type of wood is a poor match for those who are close-minded. Ebony Beech Blackthorn Larch 16/18 This type of wood pairs well with those looking for adventure and will become bored with mundane requests from its owner. Sycamore Spruce Walnut Willow 17/18 This type of wood is reputated to be a particularly fearsome dueling wand and often chooses both heroes and villians. Vine Alder Pear Yew 18/18 This type of wood is the rarest kind and often chooses remarkable masters. Elm Ash Elder Ebony