How well do you know me? (77) How well do you know Shirlrocks on If you know me as a friend..or anything else you should pass. Please pass...or ima be sooo mad. Shirlrockz published on September 17, 2015 Stacked 1/12 What is your name? c: Hint: 12 choices Leslie Jena Oliver Lucien Aj Skaebna Ancient Nick Laser Pine Tyler Ashton My name is neither of these..e.e (If you clicked this....Shoo..xD) 2/12 How active am I on ROBLOX Everyday.. Never Once in a blue moon.. 3/12 Who is my brother? c:< (Tricky one.) Rolox47 Pumpchin Evixsel 4/12 What is my favourite colour? Black Pink Blue Purple... 5/12 Who is my least favourite person on this earth? ._. (Last Question.) ..I luv everyone Haiman Peoplez...e.e 6/12 What state do I live in? Kentucky Arizona Mississippi 7/12 Are my parents divorced? Yes Nu... 8/12 What is my real life name? Shirley Shela Shirleh 9/12 How many siblings do I have? 11..xD 1 5 10/12 Do I have a boyfriend?..._. Yes No 11/12 Do I live with my boyfriend..? ._. I wish..xD Yes. 12/12 Who is my favourite person? e.e Oliver Jena Leslie Aj Lucien Nick