Mechanical Engineering (1)

Answer the following questions as prescribed. You may find both descriptive and objective questions. Each objective questions carry 2 marks and each descriptive questions carry 3 marks. Answer wisely.. Good luck?

published on July 10, 2020

What is the function of carburetor in petrol engines?

What is the function of carburetor in petrol engines?
Carburetor is used to mix air and fuel in the correct ratio
suitable for combustion
Carburetor is a device that mixes the air and fuel in the exact
proportion as required by the engine

Which among the following is an impulse turbine

Kaplan turbine
Francis turbine
Pelton wheel
Modern Francis Turbine

How do internal combustion engines differ from external combustion engines

Combustion takes place inside the cylinder in Internal
combustion engines. In external combustion engines,
combustion takes place outside the engine cylinder
Air-fuel Combustion takes place inside the cylinder in Internal
combustion engines. In external combustion engines, air-fuel
combustion takes place outsid...

Which among the following is commonly used for domestic purposes

Hint: 1 choice
Centrifugal pump
Reciprocating pump
Screw pump
Piston pump

Which among the following Air- Fuel mixture provides maximum fuel economy

Hint: 1 choice
Rich Mixture
Lean mixture
Stoichiometric mixture
All of the above