How well do you know rainbow dash? See how much you know about rainbow dash in this fun quiz! This is my second quiz pinkie_pie_time published on June 08, 2014 Stacked 1/7 How did Rainbow Dash get her cutie mark? Performing a sonic rainboom making a lightning strike inventing skittles painting a rainbow 2/7 What does Rainbow Dash want to be? An alicorn princess Manager of the weather factory A supermodel A wonderbolt 3/7 What is her favourite book series? Daring do Harry Trotter Rainbow dash doesn't read! 4/7 What is the name of Rainbow Dash's pet? Whizz Tank Tortoise Skittles 5/7 Where does Rainbow Dash live? In a tree In a cottage In her own cloud home With Scootaloo 6/7 Who is Rainbow Dash's idol? Sapphire Shores Princess Celestia Spitfire 7/7 What is rainbow dash's personality? (select two) Hint: 2 choices Adventurous Hyper Loyal Fashionable