How well do you know me? (133) Play cool Think carefully Answer peacefully This doesn't mean u do not know me Or u know me very well But try All the best Dinesh published on May 23, 2018 Stacked 1/10 What does Dinesh aim to Hint: 2 choices Singer IITian Actor 2/10 Who is his fav avenger Hint: 2 choices Hulk Spiderman Iron man Vision 3/10 What is his wish Hint: 2 choices Fly Drive cars Become a superhero 4/10 What is his fav movie Hint: 2 choices Jupiter ascending Race gurram Sarrainodu 5/10 What is Dineshs fav song Hint: 2 choices One thing Sign of times What makes you beautiful Violin song 6/10 What does Dinesh like to do in his free time Hint: 2 choices Sing Games Cricket 7/10 Who is his most fav singer Hint: 2 choices Justin Zayn Harry styles 8/10 What does Dinesh do when he's angry Go out Shout Get into a fight 9/10 This is the most thing ppl admire him of Hint: 2 choices Eyes Jaw curve Smile Hairstyle 10/10 Ppl say this quality in him is the strongest weapon Hint: 2 choices Ego Patience Lucky go Peace