How Well do you know JBJ ? Well.. Lets see.. How much do u know about me ? Muhahaah.. :D This is so annoying.. its taking a lot of time than expected.. ahh. its killing me jotirmoybose published on October 31, 2017 Stacked 1/5 What is Joy's worst fear ? Get kicked away from home. To see her love get married to another person. Loneliness Get seduced by a girl and make love Get caught by his wife for having an affair with another girl 2/5 What does Joy feel most guilty about ? Watching porn. Flirting Telling Lies Creating Fantasy Considering his past 3/5 Where would Joy like to travel ? Goa beach Saint Martin Miami beach Navagio beach All the beaches in the world. 4/5 What does Joy seeks in a good friend ? Sense of humour Simplicity Sense of sharing Optimism Loving 5/5 Joy mostly hates people who are Too much self centered Too much religious Too much dirty Too much talkative Too much conservative