Biology 171 All of the quizzes done in the class composed into one test. How much do you remember from class? xashleeeex published on May 08, 2014 Stacked 1/132 The matrix is located at the number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 2/132 T or F: Since plant cells possess chloroplasts, they do not have a mitochondria. True False - 3/132 Oligosaccharide transferase is a(n): protein lipid carbohydrate nucleic acid 4/132 The building of a long polypeptide chain during translation from many individual amino acids would involve ___ reactions. exergonic endergonic - 5/132 Which is the most permanent of the cytoskeletal elements? actin filaments intermediate filiments microtubules 6/132 The stroma is located at the number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7/132 Which is least complex (closest to the smaller end of the organizational continuum) ? molecule population community organanelle cells 8/132 Which type of substance is more associated with the ability to form hydrogen bonds? polar molecule non-polar molecule - 9/132 Which is more reduced? NAD+ NADH - 10/132 From a base composition perspective, if a DNA molecule is found to be 30% A, then it must be ____T. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 11/132 Large solid particles can be brought into a cell by: facilitated diffusion diffusion active transport receptor-mediated endocytosis phagocytsis 12/132 These substances remove H+ from solutions acids bases - 13/132 Energy associated with motion is called: kinetic potential - 14/132 The specific substance that an enzyme acts upon/changes is called the: active site substrate domain primary structure quaternary structure 15/132 T or F: A protein made of one polypeptide, since it has an overall three dimensional shape, will exhibit the quaternary level of protein structure. True False - 16/132 Which is in a more reduced state? NAD+ NADH - 17/132 Which two substances are produced by the light reactions that are required by the Calvin cycle? carbon dioxide; water oxygen; water ATP; NADPH ATP; oxygen ADP; water 18/132 An enzyme will have half of its potential activity (reaction time) when the [substrate] is at the Km. T or F: In order to double the level of enzyme activity, one would only need to double the Km. True False - 19/132 The proteome concept refers to all of the ____ that given cell or organism makes. nucleic acids carbohydrates lipids proteins 20/132 Based on the figure below, which wavelength of visible light does chlorophyll a absorb best? 400 violet 550 500 green 450 blue 21/132 Plants possess: only the top organelle only the bottom organelle both the top and the bottom organelle 22/132 Light is composed of discrete particles called: electrons protons neutrons photons pigments 23/132 What molecule is this? chlorophyll a carotenoid phospholipid protein hexose 24/132 Which statement is least satisfactory? carbon atoms form four chemical bonds each hydrogen occurs in nature as a diatomic molecule a molecule of diatomic oxygen is a polar molecule water is a polar molecule sodium and chloride ions are hydrophilic 25/132 Which of these molecules could be polymerized to from cellulose? A B - 26/132 Acids are substances that: donate hydrogen ions to a solution have a pH above 7 minimize pH changes are very hydrophobic do not dissolve well in water 27/132 The number 1 is pointing to: small ribosomal subunit large ribosomal subunit ER signal sequence growing polypeptide chain mRNA 28/132 Is the molecule shown to the in the cis or trans form? cis trans - 29/132 In the diagram, the oligosaccharide would be number 1 2 3 4 5 30/132 Which curve would more likely involve an enzyme? A B - 31/132 A solution has a [H+] of 0. (seven 0's) .1M. What is the pH of this solution? 4 5 6 7 8 32/132 Proteins are polymers of: amino acids monosaccharides phospholipids nucleotides oils 33/132 Assume that the concentrations of solutes are equal on both sides of a plasma membrane. The solutions on the two sides of the membrane would be: isotonic to each other hypotonic to each other hypertonic to each other plasmolyzed 34/132 Which has more free energy? glucose molecule six CO2 molecules - 35/132 Isotopes of a single element vary in number of: protons electrons neutrons 36/132 Which functional group is shown? amino carboynl hydroxyl methyl carboxyl 37/132 What two products of the light reactions are needed by the Calvin cycle? ATP; NADPH oxygen; water oxygen; ATP NADPH; water carbon dioxide; water 38/132 Which of these is most likely to occur? A B C 39/132 T or F: When the elctrons eventually make their way to photosystem I during the light reactions, these electrons will have the same amount of potential energy as when they left photosystem II. True False - 40/132 Which would contain more hydrogen? a 20 carbon fatty acid that is unsaturated a 20 carbon fatty acid that is saturated - 41/132 T or F: In chemical reactions between two atoms which each have two or more electron shells, the outermost electrons are more involved than are the innermost electrons. True False - 42/132 Each carbon atom will form ___ chemical bonds. 1 2 3 4 5 43/132 Keeping in mind the organelle depicted, how many phospholipid bilayers are between the arrow indicated by the 3 and the arrow indicated by the 7? one two three four five 44/132 Which of these molecules could be polymerized to form starch (amylose)? A B - 45/132 Consider the diatomic molecule H--H. The dash between the H's represents: a single electron a pair of electrons two pairs of electrons an ionic bond a hydrogen bond 46/132 The number 4 is pointing to: small ribosomal subunit large ribosomal subunit ER signal sequence growing polypeptide chain mRNA 47/132 In receptor-mediated endocytosis, the receptors are: nucleic acids carbs lipids proteins 48/132 The process of translation is initiated: inside the nucleus inside the ER in the cytosol outside of the cell at a chromosome 49/132 Lithium has two electrons in its first shell and one electron in its second shell. Oxygen has an atomic number of 8. What would be the correct chemical formula of lithium oxide? LiO Li2O LiO2 Li2O2 Li3O 50/132 Which two processes directly involve a membrane protein? facilitated diffuion and active transport active transport and diffusion diffusion and facilitated diffusion 51/132 T or F: Water attracted to sugar is cohesion; water attracted to water is adhesion True False - 52/132 Which exhibits a greater degree of entropy glucose molecules six CO2 molecules - 53/132 Atom A has 6 protons and 6 neutrons. Atom B has 6 protons and 7 neutrons. Atom A and B: belong to the same element have the same atomic masses have different atomic numbers have different numbers of electrons in the neutral, uncombined state would not combine in the same ratio with the atoms of another element 54/132 Which of the two reactions is more likely to exhibit the energy relationships shown by the A curve? ATP ---ADP +Pi glucose + fructose ---->sucrose - 55/132 Each turn of the Calvin cycle requires: one carbon dioxide two carbon dixoides three carbon dixoides four carbon dioxides 56/132 T or F: All amino acids have an amino group and a carboxyl group. True False - 57/132 Another solution has a pH of 11. How many times more concentrated are the hydrogen ions than the pH of 8? 4 10,000 3 30 1000 58/132 Which base i found in RNA, but not in DNA? uracil adenine guanine thymine cytosine 59/132 Which organelle membrane is the process shown taking place in? Golgi body nucleus plasma membrane endoplasmic reticulum chloroplast 60/132 A celll is placed in a hypertonic solution. What will happen to the cell, and why? the cell will decrease in volume because it will rapidly lose solutes to the surrounding solution the cell will decrease in volume because it will rapidly lose water to the surrounding solution the cell will increase in volume because it will rapidly gain solutes from the surrounding solution the cell will increase in volume because it will rapidly gain water from the surrounding solution 61/132 With respect to microscopy, the ability to observe two adjacent objects as separate from each other is: magnification contrast resolution edification 62/132 Magnesium has an atomic number of 12. The atomic number of chlorine is 17. The correct formula for magnesium chloride would be: MgCl Mg2Cl MgCl2 Mg2Cl3 Mg3Cl 63/132 T or F: The atomic mass of carbon is not exactly 12.000 because carbon atoms vary in neutrons per atom. True Flase - 64/132 Which side of the membrane is the water splitting complex (enzyme complex that does photolysis) on? thylakoid space side stroma side - 65/132 The specific substances that an enzyme acts upon is the ___ of the enzyme. active substrate substrate ATP domain amino acid 66/132 Which is least accurate? plants create energy during photosynthesis exergonic reactions are energy releasing reactions plants can perform aerobic cellular respiration kinetic energy is energy associated with movement in all chemical reactions, some energy is lost as heat 67/132 These substances donate H+ to solutions acids bases - 68/132 Which term best describes an atom's ability to attract electrons it shares in a chemical bond with another atom? stability magnetism electronegativity cohesion adhesion 69/132 T or F: Glucose is directly made by the Calvin cycle. True False - 70/132 Which contains more free energy? ATP ADP + free phosphate group - 71/132 The graph shown at the top of the page depicts an: exergonic reaction endergonic reaction - 72/132 Glucose has the chemical formula C6H12O6. Assume that two glucose molecules are joined by dehydration synthesis. What would be true regarding the dimer thus formed? it would have 11 carbon atoms its chemical formula would be C12H24O12 it would have the same number of hydrogen as oxygen atoms its chemical formula would be C12H22O11 the number of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in the dimer would be the same 73/132 A granum is indicated by: 1 2 3 4 5 6 74/132 Where is this molecule most likely to be found? stroma matrix thylakoid membrane outer membrane of chloroplast inner membrane of chloroplast 75/132 What is the best name for this molecule? fat phospholipid amino acid carbohydrate cellulose 76/132 The atoms of one particular element can best be characterized by: number of protons number of electrons atomic mass 77/132 T or F: Proteins that become incorporated into the ER membrane would have earlier possessed an ER signal sequence. True False - 78/132 In a protein, the bond between two amino acids is called: ionic bond glycosidic bond peptide bond James Bond hydrogen bond 79/132 Which was not an important concept, understanding, outcome, or material to Rutherford's experiment discussed in class? like charges repel zinc sulfide detection screens gold foil atoms are mostly empty space the nucleus of an atom includes neutrons as well as protons 80/132 T or F: These two chemical structures are isomers of C4H10. Assume the appropriate numbers of hydrogens are attached to each carbon framework. True False - 81/132 T or F: A phospholipid is fully constructed in the cytosol before is is inserted into the ER membrane. True False - 82/132 Which term is most strongly associated with randomness? enthalpy free energy energy entropy endergonic reaction 83/132 If a cell (5%) is placed in a solution (2%). How are the cell and the solution related? the cell is hypotonic to the solution and the solution is hypotonic to the cell the cell is hypotonic to the solution and the solution is hypertonic to the cell the cell is hypertonic to the solution and the solution is hypotonic to the cell the cell is hypertonic to the solution and the solution is hypertonic to the cell 84/132 T or F: Carbon fixation by plants refers to carbon that has been removed from the atmosphere and added to an organic molecule that is not a gas. True False - 85/132 Consider a 1M (one molar) solution (assume solvent is water) of MgCl2 and a 1M solution of NacCl. How would the freezing points of the two solutions compare? MgCl2 solution's freezing point would be lower NaCl soution's freezing point would be lower - 86/132 T or F: Since argon has an atomic number of 18, atoms of argon would be expected to be highly reactive with most other elements. fluorine and chlorine fluorine and beryllium chlorine and beryllium 87/132 Components of the cytoskeleton are made of: nucleic acid carbohydrate lipid protein 88/132 The specific notch/ place on the enzyme where the molecule(s) acted upon attach to the enzyme is called the: active site substrate ATP domain amino acid sequence 89/132 NADH is an important energy exchange molecule for organisms. Which group is NADH most like? proteins carbohydrates nucleic acids lipids 90/132 Which end is more polar? upper portion lower portion - 91/132 Note the polypeptide has numerous amino acids in the hydrophobic core of the membrane. Which of the amino acids below is more likely to be in the hydrophobic core based on the chemistry of the R group? leucine aspartic acid - 92/132 Which cell type has a well-developed nucleus? eukaryotic prokaryotic - 93/132 The specific heat of water is 1 calorie/gram/C. The temperature of 3 grams of water is increased by 20C. How many calories were consumed to make the temperature change? 3 20 23 45 60 94/132 If once compares the carbon atom in carbon dioxide with the carbon atoms in a sugar such as glucose, the carbon in the sugar is in a: less reduced state more reduced state - 95/132 Which subatomic particle is positively charged? electron neutrino neutron proton 96/132 Atomic mass is calculated by adding the number of: neutrons and protons neutrons and electrons protons and electrons 97/132 Which functional group is shown? amino carbonyl hydroxyl methyl carboxyl 98/132 Assume a Na+/K+ ATPase (sodium-potassium pump) transports 360 sodium ions from one side of a membrane to the other 240 potassium ions in the other direction. How many ATP molecules were utilized to make this happen? 1 10 60 120 180 99/132 Based on the orientation of the structures shown in the diagram, the ER lumen would be below the phospholipid bilayer (labeled 5 above) above the phospholipid bilayer - 100/132 Number 9 indicates lipid glycoprotein glycolipid peripheral protein ribosome 101/132 When a reaction center chlorophyll a receives a replacement electron from water, this replacement electron: is at a relatively high energy level is at a relatively low energy level is used to oxidize the reaction center chlorophyll a is first passed to a chlorophyll a in the light harvesting complex, after that this electron is passed to the reaction center chlorophyll a will become part of ATP as part of the light reactions 102/132 Which process is least associated with the generation of a [H+] gradient during the light reactions of photosynthesis? photolysis formation of NADPH movement of protons by PQ and the cytochrome complex reduction of platocyanin 103/132 Which tissue within a leaf actually performs the process of photosynthesis? epidermis mesophyll xylem phloem 104/132 On what structure or within what region within a chloroplast does the Calvin cycle take place? matrix stroma thylakoid 105/132 What is the general term for the reaction in which a polysaccharide is broken down into its component monomers? dehydration synthesis hydrogen bonding hydrolysis ionic bonding 106/132 T or F: Formation of ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation is powered by a H+ electrochemical gradient. True False - 107/132 Note the models of aspartic acid and leucine shown below. Based on the chemistry of the R groups (the variable or side group) only, which amino acid would more likely be in the bilayer interior at the position labeled 7 of the transmembrane protein? leucine aspartic acid - 108/132 Within cells, endergonic reactions are usually directly driven by/coupled with: facilitated diffusion diffusion translation ATP hydrolysis competitive inhibitors 109/132 Which is most specific? pinocytosis receptor-mediated endocytosis phagocytosis exocytosis endocytosis 110/132 Which requires an energy input to occur? diffusion facilitated diffusion active transport 111/132 Which amino acid in the polypeptide chain is the oligosaccharide connected to? glycine lysine alanine threonine asparagine 112/132 T or F: A hydrogen bond itself is formed by electron exchange True False - 113/132 The structure identified as number 5 is a(n): protein nucleic acid carbohydrate lipid 114/132 Based on the principles discussed in class, how many reactions would be required to chemically break down a trimer (molecule consisting of three monomers) into its three component monomers? 1 2 3 4 5 115/132 Which is not a lipid? wax steriod fat oil cellulose 116/132 T or F: During N-linked gylcosylation, the olisaccharide (carbohydrate tree) can be attracted to a wide variety of different amino acids. True False - 117/132 Prior to being attached to the polypeptide by oligosaccharide transferase, the oligosaccharide would have been attached to: dolichol the ribosome signal peptidase the mRNA the nucleus 118/132 The understanding the "energy cannot be created or destroyed" is central to the: first law of thermodynamics concept of entropy concept of free energy understanding of enthalpy 119/132 Which structural level of a protein is based on the protein's amino acid sequence? primary secondary tertiary quarternary 120/132 What term refers to substances that minimize pH change? acids bases buffers alkaline hydrogen ions 121/132 Monosaccharides are usually quite soluble in water because (in the ring form, as shown in class) they contain numerous ___ groups, hydroxyl carboxyl methyl sulfhydryl phosphate 122/132 Which cell type has a nucleus? prokaryotic eukaryotic - 123/132 Alpha-helices and Beta-sheets are stabilized primarily by: hydrophobic effects ionic disulfide bridges hydrogen bonds van der Waals forces 124/132 Which has more energy available to do work in the cell? ATP ADP + inorganic phosphate group - 125/132 Lipids are generally: hydrophobic hydrophilic - 126/132 Which functional group is shown? amino carboynl hydroxyl methyl carboxyl 127/132 On what structure or within what region within a chloroplast do the light reactions take place? stroma matrix thylakoid 128/132 Which cytoskeletal element is a polymer of tubulin? actin filiments intermediate filaments microtubules 129/132 The energy contained in chemical bonds is considered a form of: potential energy kinectic energy - 130/132 The channel protein is number: 4 5 6 7 8 131/132 As a cell gets bigger, assuming its shape does not change, the surface area to volume ratio of this cell: stays the same decreases increases 132/132 Which is the least accurate? biological membranes can contain cholesterol phospholipid molecules are usually locked into position within the membrane short carbohydrate chains can be attached to membrane proteins each biological biological membrane consists of two leaflets cholesterol's (simplified structure shown at right) orientation with a membrane is such that the OH is in a hydrophilic zone