Stay Hydrated: Test Your Water Intake Knowledge Test your knowledge about hydration and water intake with these 11 questions. Stay hydrated and healthy! delya90 published on January 02, 2024 Stacked 1/11 What is the recommended daily water intake for adult men? 1 liter 2 liters 3 liters 4 liters 2/11 Which of the following is a symptom of dehydration? Frequent urination Dry mouth Excessive sweating Rapid heartbeat 3/11 What percentage of our body is made up of water? 10% 30% 60% 80% 4/11 How many cups of water should you drink before exercising? None 1 cup 2 cups 4 cups 5/11 Which of the following is a major function of water in the body? Transporting nutrients and oxygen Building muscle strength Regulating body temperature Promoting hair growth 6/11 What is the best way to determine if you are properly hydrated? Thirst Urine color Body weight Skin elasticity 7/11 What is the primary cause of dehydration? Excessive sleep Eating too much salt Lack of water intake Overhydration 8/11 Which beverage is the most hydrating? Coffee Soda Water Energy drink 9/11 How can you increase your water intake throughout the day? Avoid drinking water with meals Replace water with sugary drinks Carry a water bottle with you Drink water only when thirsty 10/11 Which of the following is a sign of overhydration? Dry skin Frequent urination Headache Swollen hands and feet 11/11 What is the impact of dehydration on cognitive function? Impaired concentration and memory Improved problem-solving skills Increased creativity Enhanced decision-making abilities