How well do you know TheBigCousinSteve? Are you a true fan of the big cousin steve? Take this quiz and find out now! DaveTheBoss29 published on April 05, 2018 Stacked 1/6 What is steve’s first video? TOP 5 NERF PISTOLS HOT SHOCK REVIEW Why i nerf MEGA MAGNUS REVIEW 2/6 Does he often do mods? Yes Always No 3/6 Whats the first words he says in the begining of most of his videos Yeet yeet Whats good OOH OOH Good morning How ya doin? 4/6 what is the big cousin’s stratedgy in most nerf wars? Melee Sheild Bows 5/6 In what vid did steve give a shout out to @DaveTheBoss29? TOP 5 nerf pistols Nerf notebook NF STRIKE MAGAZINE HOLDER REVIEW QnA 6/6 Does steve like the mega magnus? ITS HIS FAVOURITE PISTOL! No A bit He hates it