Discover Buddhism Test your knowledge about the ancient religion of Buddhism and understand its fundamental principles. rihanna80 published on January 31, 2024 Stacked 1/11 Who is considered the founder of Buddhism? Dalai Lama Gautama Buddha Confucius Siddhartha Gautama 2/11 What is the ultimate goal in Buddhism? Nirvana Heaven Salvation Moksha 3/11 What is the main sacred text in Buddhism? The Quran The Vedas The Tripitaka The Bible 4/11 What is the symbol of Buddhism? Star of David Cross Dharma Wheel Om 5/11 What is the noble truth of suffering? Dukkha Anicca Anatta Dukkha Samudaya 6/11 What is the primary way to overcome suffering in Buddhism? Charity Pilgrimage Fasting Noble Eightfold Path 7/11 Who is the bodhisattva of compassion? Avalokiteshvara Vasudhara Manjushri Ksitigarbha 8/11 What does the term 'Buddha' mean? One who achieves enlightenment The supreme being The divine ruler The awakened one 9/11 Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Precepts in Buddhism? Abstaining from killing Abstaining from stealing Abstaining from alcohol Abstaining from lying 10/11 What is the meditative practice of focusing on one's breath called? Anapanasati Zazen Vipassana Metta 11/11 In which country did Buddhism originate? India Nepal China Thailand