Warrior Cats Quiz (Spoilers!)

Warrior Cats Quiz (Spoilers!)

This quiz covers the entire Warrior Cats series (2017) except for Dawn of the Clans and a Vision of Shadows.

published on May 16, 2017

While in the tunnels, what kind of animal did Hollyleaf meet? (Not the cat!)

While in the tunnels, what kind of animal did Hollyleaf meet? (Not the cat!)
A badger cub
A fox cub
A butterfly
A fish
A hedgehog
An injured adult fox

In normal circumstances, about how old does an apprentice have to be to become TESTED to become a warrior? This can differ, though most apprentices are tested around (insert number here) moons.

In normal circumstances, about how old does an apprentice have to be to become TESTED to become a warrior? This can differ, though most apprentices are tested around (insert number here) moons.
6 moons
8 moons
10 moons
12 moons
Any amount of moons, as long as they pass their assessment and their mentors think they are ready.

Who was Yellowfangs's mate?

Who was Yellowfangs's mate?

Which ancient cat did Hollyleaf find in the tunnels when they collapsed?

Which ancient cat did Hollyleaf find in the tunnels when they collapsed?

Who killed Hollyleaf in The Last Hope?

Who killed Hollyleaf in The Last Hope?

How old must a kit be to become an apprentice?

How old must a kit be to become an apprentice?
2 moons
7 moons
5 moons
6 moons
9 moons

Which medicinal herb is the BEST remedy for greencough?

Which medicinal herb is the BEST remedy for greencough?

What type of animal caused the death of Cinderpelt, the crippled medicine cat?
(Note: The picture does not indicate who it was!)

What type of animal caused the death of Cinderpelt, the crippled medicine cat? (Note: The picture does not indicate who it was!)

Who ripped off Rusty/Firepaw/Fireheart/Firestar's collar in the first book, Into the Wild?

Who ripped off Rusty/Firepaw/Fireheart/Firestar's collar in the first book, Into the Wild?

How did Longtail die?

How did Longtail die?
He was killed by Tigerstar
He died of greencough
He was killed by a falling tree
He died of old age
Mousefur killed him
He was too old and frail to survive a drastic leaf-bare

Who were Tigerstar's parents?

Leopardfoot and Sunstar
Jake and Quince
Pinestar and Leopardfoot
Firestar and Sandstorm
Darkstripe and Goldenflower