Floods and earthquakes It is all about floods and earthquakes in India and how they survive and if they do good and more. Alendra published on September 14, 2015 Stacked 1/7 How do floods start People pour water on the streets Rain clouds come Picking up from seas 2/7 When was the biggest flood ever 1967 1980 2013 1956 3/7 Which earthquake zone is the worst Zone 4 Zone2 Zone5 Zone1 Zone3 4/7 What happens when the monsoon season fails Rain still comes but not much You go into drought Crops flourish Rivers overflow 5/7 What season is coolest than the others April to May October to March June to September 6/7 Do Indians handle floods well or do we need to give them advice Yes they handle floods well No they do need advice Maybe a bit of help but overall they are good I don't know Don't care it is not my business 7/7 When was the deadliest earthquake ever 1960 1934 1945