Vocabulario de animales silvestres Vocabulary names of animales in spanish Quiz. By Kyler. Not too hard, just to learn some animals. Kylert02 published on March 07, 2019 Stacked 1/34 Pato Duck Bull Crocodile 2/34 Gallina Chicken Turkey Shark 3/34 Oso Bear Seal Kangaroo 4/34 Gusano Worm Fox Turtle 5/34 Pavo Bird Turkey Snake 6/34 Canguro Kangaroo Duck Goat 7/34 Buho Elephant Owl Turkey 8/34 Pato Fox Zebra Duck 9/34 Venado Deer Fish Rabbit 10/34 Rana Frog Tiger Bull 11/34 Toro Lion Bull Fish 12/34 Cerdo Fish Pork Meat 13/34 Tiburon Penguin Shark Bird 14/34 Gallo Goat Rooster Turtles 15/34 Caballo Cow Bull Horse 16/34 Pinguino Lion Penguin Cow 17/34 Serpiente Ave Snake Venado 18/34 Vaca Lion Cow Rat 19/34 Zorro Tiger Fox Raton 20/34 Perro Cat Dog Chicken 21/34 Gato Bear Monkey Cat 22/34 Pajaro/Ave Frog Mouse Bird 23/34 Foca Seal Fly Fox 24/34 Conejo Elephant Duck Rabbit 25/34 Cebra Kangaroo Bat Zebra 26/34 Tigre Seal Horse Tiger 27/34 Murcielago Bat Mosquito Sheep 28/34 Leon Shark Rat Lion 29/34 Elefante Elephant Worm Snake 30/34 Mosca Fly Fish Monkey 31/34 Cocodrilo Turkey Rooster Crocodile 32/34 Mosquito Owl Penguin Mosquito 33/34 Pez Fish Bat Monkey 34/34 Mono Mouse Monkey Cow