Are You Smart? (4) Just a quick and fun test to give you an idea of you intelligence. Not to be taken seriously. Mav.Ice published on August 15, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Jake owns five CDs. Sam stole two. How many does Jake own? 3 None 5 7 2/7 You're a detective solving the case of how a man died.The man was hanging from a rope in the living room. There was nothing nearby except a puddle of water underneath him.Your conclusion? He stood on a bucket after dumping the water out It was actually murder. The killer washed his hands off after the deed. The man stood on a block of ice. The man cried a puddle of tears as he died. 3/7 Book is the Knowledge as Snake is to... Sneaky Evil Slipery Cunning 4/7 If all Hazzers are Kruz, and all Kruz are Falans. Then all Falans are Hazzers. True or false. True. False. I don't know. 5/7 Sixty prices of candy lay scattered on the counter. You steal all but seven. how many are left? 63 53 6 None of the above 6/7 Blue and red make purple. Yellow and red make orange. What do black and blue make? Dark blue Green Bruises 7/7 Suzi likes 13, but not 14. She likes green, but not blue. She likes fruit, but meat.What does Suzi like? 5 Pink Soda