which youtuber of animal jam are you? cuz yolo dude cuz yolo >:) i lobe popo jsu su sgydu g hygdsbfshgbs sfs mirandaorta published on March 09, 2016 Stacked 1/5 what do you do if you winn aparris giveaway use that item forever throw your computer and scream delet the item save it in pace 2/5 if wooshiewoo sends u an jamagram i throw my mom to the trash i reply it i scream 3/5 id slushy2151 says u hai say OMG ITS SLUSHIE tell her buddy me say hi too 4/5 what do you do when you see wolffeycat? scream at her saying OMG ITS WOLF CAT OMG OMG OMFG dance and say buddy me ask for an auto stay in peace and say hi :=) 5/5 what you do when woot moo becames ur friend screammmm all ur life go to eat send him an jamagram whit a black long only say thx