Zarko Quiz Time The Official Quiz game from Zarko by AeolusRevolution. This game is developed by Ashish Kumar Aeoluuus published on July 09, 2017 Stacked 1/6 snnnsns Hint: 2 choices Hshsj Sbsnns Snnnsn 2/6 The real name of the Boss Mr. Pimrut Mr Belson Mr Kim Mr. moziam 3/6 Ssnnsn Hint: 2 choices Shsbsb Shsnns Sjsnn 4/6 Shnsns Hint: 2 choices Shsnnssn Sbsnsn Sbsnns 5/6 Zbzbsn Hint: 2 choices Sjsjsjs Sbbnsn Shsjsn 6/6 Hdjsns Hint: 2 choices nnsns Shsjjs snsnsns Sbsbsn