do u have wath it takes to be a trainer Pokemon quizá fghfgjfvbvf mv sed gcdbxfbdhfvhxtnct sangre Boss hay gsuv Sonicfan published on April 22, 2018 Stacked 1/8 How old do you haveto be to be a trainer 18 10 13 3 2/8 Wath four types do u choose from Hint: 2 choices Fire water grass ghosth Fire water grass Physic gosth fairy Pokeballs you catch em 3/8 Who isthe pokemon that evolves from all 16/18 types Type answer. Hint: 5 characters 4/8 Wath are the names of the balls you catch pokemon Masterball pokeball timeball... Pokeballs Sphereball Circle 5/8 Random:wats sonics fvarite food Bru chillidogs Hotdpgs Pizza Boogers lolololo 6/8 Name of the nurse in pokemon cemter Type answer. Hint: 9 characters 7/8 Wath catch phrases do trainers use I choose you come on Out now use(attack)... Now attack I choose you None of above 8/8 Howmany badges must you cllect 8 10 Dependson wzt región ur in 2