Are you monster bait or a survivor in Minecraft?!?! I want to know if you people can survive a day in it or if you die in five minutes. fluffykoala published on May 23, 2014 Stacked 1/6 Can you skip through night with a... Zombie Cat Pillow Bed Village Cow House 2/6 Best options for building a house are... Hint: 3 choices Dirt Wood Cobblestone Gold Planks 3/6 Creepers won't go near.. Type answer. Hint: 4 characters 4/6 The first thing you have to do when you start is... Go crazy Go to mines before you are ready Build a safe house Just run and run and run 5/6 After you are safe... Hint: 2 choices Now you go crazy!! Huddle up and hope no monster is smart enough to get to you Build tools Walk outside and let a monster get you build armor 6/6 Ok last one,Is it smart to jump down a pit? Type answer. Hint: 2 characters