Pokemon Quiz A basic knowledge pokemon quiz. It is fairly easy, if you play the games you shouldn't have much troubled luckpup published on July 08, 2015 Stacked 1/11 Slyveon's highest base stat is in... Special attack Special defense speed Health points Attack Defense 2/11 What accuracy percentage does zen headbutt have in gen 6? 100% 50% 90% 80% 3/11 Which is not a Poffin flavor? Spicy Dry Salty 4/11 Arcanine has a base attack stat of 90 120 100 110 75 5/11 What us the main color of shiny houndoom blue Black Red Green 6/11 Lileep is resurrected from the.... Dome fossil Old amber Helix fossil root fossil 7/11 Which move is exclusive to Zoroa, and it's evolution dark void night daze Foul play Switcheroo 8/11 What is Blissey's base hp stat? Type answer. Hint: 3 characters 9/11 In gen 6 glameow can learnwhich moves Hint: 3 choices play rough Toxic Disarming voice Work up Rain dance 10/11 In pokemon X, and Y you get O powers from Mr.Bonding Nurse Joy Orlando Power Professer oak 11/11 Shelgon evolves into salamence at level 60 30 20 40 50