Manic Magee Chapter 12-32 Maniac Magee Fifth Grade Mrs. Walker 15 word QUIZ for students mstamps1 published on April 18, 2017 Stacked 1/15 Geezer slang for a baby slang for ab old man slang for a child 2/15 Unbeknownst Having more information than needed Lack of information to solve a problem Without one's knowledge 3/15 contortion something twisted or out of the ordinary in character something normal and ordinary Very strange occurrence 4/15 Immortality the state of having a life without pain forever the state of living forever the sate of not living forever 5/15 converge to come together at a point divided by circumstances Failed to come together to solve a problem 6/15 Shinny To climb by gripping with the hands and legs To fall of the cliff using hands and feet A shiny object hit with natural light 7/15 reluctant showing promise and willingness showing doubt or unwillingness being optimistic on the outcome 8/15 Vague Indefinite, not certain or precise Something that is not for certain definite, precise 9/15 disperse to break up into sections to break up or scatter to bring together 10/15 flaunt to show in a way that attracts attention to show in a way that does not attracts attention paying attention to the issues 11/15 notion ideas brought out to win Idea or whim Lack of ideas 12/15 eons A short period of time an extremely long indefinite period of time A time that came before the existence of dinosaurs 13/15 Stoic Indifferent to joy, pain and suffering the same as most items Indifferent to joy, grief, or pain 14/15 Languish to be or become strong to be strong in time of need to be or become week 15/15 antsy impatient and violent anxious, restless very patient