Worksheet -I Class-VIII The Indian Constitution Note-click on correct answer from the options. Sst8th published on April 20, 2020 Stacked 1/10 Which is considered under third tier of Government? Hint: 1 choice Panchayat raj High court Supreme court All of these 2/10 Which defines the set of rules to govern country? Hint: 1 choice Preamble Constitution Sovereignty None of these 3/10 What is the name of the rule of a king? Hint: 1 choice Monarchy Democracy Constitution None of these 4/10 What type of Government India practiced? Hint: 1 choice Monarchy Democracy Anarchy None of these 5/10 What defines the introduction to our Constitution? Hint: 1 choice Preamble Sovereignty Constitution None of these 6/10 In which year and day India implemented it's own Constitution? Hint: 1 choice 26 November 1949 26 March 1947 15 August 1947 26 January 1950 7/10 Who is the calligrapher of Indian Constitution? Hint: 1 choice Beohar Rammanohar Sinha Nandalal Bose Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Prem Behari Narain Raizada 8/10 Which forms defines the Rule of people by the people? Hint: 1 choice Preamble Democracy Constitution None of these 9/10 What are the fundamental rights provided by the Constitution of India? Hint: 1 choice Right to equality Right to freedom Right against exploitation All of the above 10/10 What do you mean by Right to equality? Hint: 1 choice Rich people are higher than poorer All are equal before law Government officers are superior None of these