I could`ve tamed you, I could`ve shown That I could depose you from your loud throne What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 13 characters
Oh! That`s the end of another day! What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 12 characters
Oh I know it'll be great and I just can`t wait to see the person you are together. What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 11 characters
I don`t care about what all the others say, What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 10 characters
And it all comes crashing down Is there something I can do? What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 17 characters
This is Garnet, Back together And I`m never going down at the hands of the likes of you What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 17 characters
We are the Crystal Gems! What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 10 characters
So why don`t we have a party? What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 13 characters
If you could only know What we really are When we arrived on Earth From out beyond your star What song is it? (Yes, this is a Steven Universe song. Look at explanation for the music video and lyrics.)
Type answer. Hint: 21 characters
She was trapped in a mirror, and it couldn`t be clearer. What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 12 characters
Why do you have to look up to her? Aside from a literally sense. What song is it?
Type answer. Hint: 22 characters