Management principles May 2012 Multiple choice question that are in the management principle pass paper for May 2012 - CIS samantha00zw published on January 27, 2015 Stacked 1/20 2.9 A subordinate is required to report directly to the head of department as well as his immediate supervisor. Which of the following principles is being violated? A. Span of control. B. Work specialisation. C. Chain of command. D. Departmentalisation. E. Unity of command. 2/20 2.20 Which of the following could be found in the “Health and Safety Policy” of an organisation? A. The company shall contribute to a funeral insurance policy for staff. B. Company values shall include safety issues. C. New recruits shall be tested for HIV. D. There shall be clear instructions on how to use each piece of equipment. E. The company will pay for an employee’s medical aid. 3/20 2.11 A vision statement is likely to be an aspect of: A. command planning. B. organisational planning. C. tactical planning. D. operational planning. E. pre-planning. 4/20 2.3 -- is a principle of total quality management A. Everyone has a customer. B. Quality need not be measured. C. Not every employee is responsible for quality. D. Problems can simply be fixed. E. All of the above. 5/20 2.19 ---is a valid reason for considering external advertisements for recruiting to a senior position A. Avoiding jealousy should any colleague be considered for a higher position. B. There is sufficient pool of experienced employees inside and there are too many to make a wise decision. C. The company wants a good demographical mix to correct the existing imbalance. D. To be seen as a transparent recruiter. E. To give external people a chance. 6/20 2.4 The principle of unity of command states that each person should report directly: A. only to the most senior executive. B. to all line staff. C. to only one supervisor. D. to heads of department. E. to the general management. 7/20 2.2 The statute that imposes a levy on companies based on their staff numbers, which levy is to be utilised for training purposes is: A. the Labour Relations Act. B. the Employment Equity Act. C. the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. D. the Skills Levies Act. E. the Occupational Health and Safety Act. 8/20 2.1 Management by Objectives (MBO) should be stated, wherever possible: A. in clear, general terms. B. without consultation with top management. C. in specific terms. D. after consultation with planning staff. E. all of the above. 9/20 2.8 A __ manager is responsible for only one organisational activity, such as production or sales. A. Top. B. Functional. C. General. D. Middle. E. Executive. 10/20 2.7 A manager who is overly concerned with his staff and not too concerned about production is known as a __manager. A. 1,9. B. 9,1. C. 5,5. D. 1,5. E. 9,9. 11/20 2.12 An organisation has four sales regions: Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Limpopo. What type of departmentalisation is being used here? A. Geographic. B. Product. C. Customer. D. Matrix. E. Language. 12/20 2.14 When a firm undergoes a radical change in strategic direction, it may be necessary to alter its: A. objectives. B. vision. C. mission statement. D. purpose. E. all of the above. 13/20 2.17 A manager hires a temporary secretary from an employment agency instead of hiring a permanent secretary. This is an example of: A. outsourcing. B. on-the-job training. C. a 360-degree appraisal. D. a realistic job preview. E. none of the above. 14/20 2.16 A three step sequential model of change, proposed by Lewin is called: A. unfreezing, refreezing, changing. B. unfreezing, changing, refreezing. C. refreezing, changing, unfreezing. D. refreezing, unfreezing, changing. E. changing, unfreezing, freezing. 15/20 2.18 When the output of one employee becomes the input of another employee, this is known as: A. pooled interdependence. B. sequential interdependence. C. reciprocal interdependence. D. managerial interdependence. E. broad interdependence. 16/20 2.13 According to Herzberg’s theory of motivation, which of the following is NOT a motivator? A. Nature of work. B. Responsibility. C. Advancement. D. Working conditions. E. Recognition. 17/20 2.6 When experiencing problems regarding delegation, it is probably because: a. managers feel they can do it better themselves. b. managers lack confidence. c. managers feel they lack the ability to direct subordinates. D. All of the above. E. (a) and (c) only. 18/20 2.15 The amount of positive feelings one has about one’s job is called: A. job performance. B. job enrichment. C. job commitment. D. job involvement. E. job satisfaction. 19/20 2.5 Organisations are essential because they are: A. a source of careers. B. a means to preserve knowledge. C. a vital part of small groups. D. a collection of different opinions. E. a means to accomplish goals. 20/20 2.10 An organisation whose main operations are involved in the import and export of goods will most be affected by which environment? A. Global. B. General/direct. C. Industry. D. Operating. E. Internal.