Thriller Book Quiz Test your knowledge on popular thriller books with this quiz based on the book 'Thriller'. Are you a true thriller fan? alina90 published on March 26, 2024 Stacked 1/12 Who is the author of the book 'Thriller'? Dan Brown James Patterson Gillian Flynn Stephen King 2/12 What is the main theme of the book 'Thriller'? Suspense Romance Fantasy Science Fiction 3/12 Who is the protagonist in the book 'Thriller'? Katniss Everdeen Alex Cross Harry Potter Sherlock Holmes 4/12 What is the setting of the book 'Thriller'? Outer Space New York City Ancient Rome Middle Earth 5/12 Who is the villain in the book 'Thriller'? The Mastermind The Hero The Sidekick The Mentor 6/12 What is the twist ending in the book 'Thriller'? The hero dies The detective was the killer It was all a dream The villain wins 7/12 Which genre does the book 'Thriller' belong to? Thriller Comedy Horror Drama 8/12 What is the title of the sequel to 'Thriller'? Mystery Suspense Thriller 2 The Thriller Chronicles 9/12 What is the real identity of the main character in 'Thriller'? Undercover Agent CIA Operative Assassin FBI Agent 10/12 What is the main motive of the villain in 'Thriller'? To seek revenge To control the world To win the love of the protagonist To become a hero 11/12 Which famous actor would be perfect to play the main character in 'Thriller' in a movie adaptation? Tom Cruise Scarlett Johansson Denzel Washington Jennifer Lawrence 12/12 What is the greatest plot twist in the book 'Thriller'? The betrayed friend is the mastermind behind the crimes The hero was secretly working for the villain The protagonist was an undercover agent all along The villain turns out to be a clone