Quiz on JavaScript Test your knowledge of the web programming language JavaScript with this quiz. It's designed to check your understanding of features, syntax, and concepts you're likely to find in JavaScript. alina90 published on April 19, 2023 Stacked 1/10 What type of language is JavaScript? Compiled Object-oriented Functional Scripting 2/10 Who Developed JavaScript? Larry Page John Resig Mark Zuckerberg Brendan Eich 3/10 What type of script is JavaScript? Server-side Static Interpreted Compiled 4/10 What does DOM stands for? Document Orientation Markup Document Open Model Document Object Model Dynamic Orientation Model 5/10 Which of the following is a loop statement? Prompt Switch Return For 6/10 Which of the following is a way to create an Array? var array = (1,3,4) var array = new Array[1,3,4] var array = {1,3,4} var array = [1,3,4] 7/10 What JavaScript Event can be used to execute a certain function when a user clicks on an HTML element? onmouseclick onload onclick onchange 8/10 Which of the following is a valid statement to return a string? return "hello" return hello "hello" return {"Hello"} 9/10 Which of the following is an invalid operator? += -= &= %= 10/10 Which of the following is a valid data type in JavaScript? boolean long int char