How much do you know about me? (12) You probably wont get most right but hey! Its just for fun! Lets see how much you know about me! Sushii.Chan published on January 04, 2015 Stacked 1/13 What can't I do? Hint: 2 choices Whistle Snap Swim Cross my eyes 2/13 What is the color of my hair? Blonde Brown Black Red Other 3/13 Where in Tennessee do I live? Knoxville Nashville Memphis Chattanooga Other 4/13 What color are my eyes? Brown! Greeen Blue Other 5/13 What are my two favorite colors? Hint: 2 choices Green White Orange Red Black Gray Purple Blue Pink Yellow Other 6/13 What is my zodiac sign? Leo Pisces Scorpio Capricorn Libra Sagittarius Aquarius Gemini Virgo Taurus Aries Cancer 7/13 What is my favorite food? Carrot souffle Cheeseburgers Sweeets! Sushi! Potato 8/13 Am I a girl or boy? Boy! Girl! I don't know, this is too hard I give up! 9/13 What is my worst fear? Clowns! Heights! Birds! Roaches! 10/13 How old am I ? 12 or younger 13 14 15 16 17 18 or older... 11/13 What is my religion? Christian Atheist Jew Hindu Muslim Agnostic Other 12/13 What's my favorite tv show? Lost Pretty Little Liars Doctor Who My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Family Guy Arrow 13/13 What's my real name? Natalie Jared Maybelline Jo Terry Jacqueline