How well do you know jane the killer? (hard)

How well do you know jane the killer? (hard)

Well lets see who knows me best. Which one of ya'll knows me best. Hope you get what you want, bye!

published on February 18, 2015

How many years have i hunted jeff?

How many years have i hunted jeff?
About 2 years
Ever scince he killed your family
no idea

Do i have a pet (to help hunt)?

Do i have a pet (to help hunt)?
Hint: 2 choices
Yea it's smile dog
No why would you
I dont think so

How did jeff try to kill me?

How did jeff try to kill me?
He set me on fire
He tried to stab me like the rest of his family and mine and my friends
Both answer one and two
I have no idea

lets put your answer to the test. What do i tell people?

Dont go to sleep, you wont wake up
uhhh... i cant recall
Go to sleep...

What's my real name?

What's my real name?
Jane Watson
Jane Sarah East
Jane The Killer

OK easy question time. What color is my mask and the eye peices on it?

OK easy question time. What color is my mask and the eye peices on it?
Hint: 2 choices
the mask is black and the eyes are white
the eyes are black
the mask is white

How well do you know my creepypasta?

How well do you know my creepypasta?
Hint: 2 choices
very well
i love it!
ive never heard of your creepypasta
whats a creepypasta?

What weapon do i use?

What weapon do i use?

What color is my dress?

What color is my dress?
whie and red
black and red
just black
just white

How did i try to help jeff?


How did i write my story?

How did i write my story?