Do you know me? (43) the description says it all. So yeah i hate these stupid things whatever WARNING: this quiz is almost impossible mythology_lover published on April 11, 2016 Stacked 1/10 How old am i? 0-7 8-11 12-20 2/10 What are my favorite colors? Hint: 2 choices Sea green/blue grey/black Sunset orange 3/10 what is the name of my ex? Daniel Dave i don't have one 4/10 Am i single? Yes no just got outta a relationship 5/10 What's my name? Julianna Skylar Kyla 6/10 where do i live? Australia UK USA Brazil 7/10 What is the name of my best friend? Gwenyth Sarah Emily 8/10 What pets do i have? Hint: 4 choices bunny parakeet puppy horse fish cat snake 9/10 Where do i go to school? homeschooled Plymouth public school Spiritus Sanctus Academy st. Francis 10/10 What is my middle name? Skylar Elizabeth Francesca