Are we true friends This test is a series of questions to test if we are the trust best friends. My.nameistrey published on July 04, 2017 Stacked 1/7 If I were to watch a movie would I watch a comedy, horror, comedy horror. Or romantic Horror Comedy Horror comedy Romamtic 2/7 I were to eat one type of food what would it be. Mexican Italian American Chinese 3/7 What is my favorite year since 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 4/7 What is my favorite food. Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 5/7 What is my favorite color Green Aqua Blue Pink 6/7 Who are my two best friends Hint: 2 choices Amry Christian Taylor Bryan Myelf 7/7 What is my favorite class of 6th grade Type answer. Hint: 14 characters