Domenico Scarlatti

Domenico Scarlatti

How much do you know about Domenico Scarlatti? Test your knowledge about the composer and see.

published on May 30, 2014

What was the name of Domenico Scarlatti's father?

What was the name of Domenico Scarlatti's father?
Alessandro Scarlatti
Leopold Mozart
Johann van Beethoven
Georg Händel

Who else was born on the same year as Domenico Scarlatti?

Who else was born on the same year as Domenico Scarlatti?
Hint: 2 choices
Johann Sebastian Bach
George Frideric Handel
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Johann Christoph Pachelbel
Johann Strauss

What day was Domenico Scarlatti born? Choose the correct month, day, and year below.

What day was Domenico Scarlatti born? Choose the correct month, day, and year below.
October 26, 1685
November 2, 1702
February 14, 1694
January 4, 1650

Are any Scarlatti descendants alive today?

Are any Scarlatti descendants alive today?
Yes, Domenico Scarlatti has living descendants, and they're from Madrid, Spain.
No, his family tree died out before the recent times.

Who did Domenico Scarlatti married in 1742?

Who did Domenico Scarlatti married in 1742?
Anastasia Maxarti Ximenes
Madame Pompadour
Maria Barbara Bach

In what years was Domenico Scarlatti a Maestro Di Cappella at St. Peter's?

In what years was Domenico Scarlatti a Maestro Di Cappella at St. Peter's?

When did Scarlatti died?

When did Scarlatti died?
July 4, 1777
May 8, 1756
January 7, 1748
July 23, 1757

Domenico Scarlatti is famously known for ____. (Finish this sentence)

Domenico Scarlatti is famously known for ____. (Finish this sentence)
Designing fashion.
Inventing new machines.
Caring for the poor.
Figuring out new math equations.
His 555 keyboard sonatas.

Which of these facts are true?

Which of these facts are true?
Hint: 5 choices
He was appointed a composer and organist at the royal chapel in Naples in 1701.
In Rome, Scarlatti composed several operas for Queen Casimira's private theatre.
In 1719 he travelled to London to direct his opera Narciso at the King's Theatre.
In Lisbon on November 29, 1719, he taught music to a Portuguese princess Maria Magdalena Barbara.
Domenico Scarlatti's first wife died in 1742, and he married his second wife the same year.
Domenico Scarlatti met Leopold Mozart several times.
In 1697, Domenico Scarlatti visited Johann Christoph Bach once.

How many keyboard sonatas did Scarlatti composed?

How many keyboard sonatas did Scarlatti composed?

What city was Domenico Scarlatti born?

What city was Domenico Scarlatti born?
Naples, Kingdom of Naples

How many siblings does Domenico Scarlatti have?

How many siblings does Domenico Scarlatti have?
Domenico didn't have any siblings.
Domenico's father had 1 child.
Domenico's father had 10 children.
Domenico has 5 other siblings.

Who who married Domenico Scarlatti in May 6, 1728?

Who who married Domenico Scarlatti in May 6, 1728?
Marie Casimire
Maria Caterina Gentili
Maria Magdalena Barbara
Marie Louise Gonzaga

Domenico Scarlatti has an older brother who was also a musician. Who was it?

Domenico Scarlatti has an older brother who was also a musician. Who was it?
Marie Antoinette
Pietro Filippo Scarlatti
Christian Gottllob Neefe
Joseph Haydn