do you know ambi mlp popular? this is a quiz on ambi because she is awesome and one of my favorite youtubers ambimlppopular_fan published on January 02, 2016 Stacked 1/11 what series is this from? always watching youtubers forever season 1 youtubers forever season 2 2/11 what is her oc brother name? mirical skies mirical flash mirical blue 3/11 what is her favorite pff`s name? Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 4/11 which of these series are undone? always watching the creature within me youtubers forever misfit mares 5/11 who is her favourite pony? Hint: 2 choices sunset shimmer starlight glimmer rainbow dash twilight sparkle diamond tiara rarity princess cadence spike 6/11 what is best ambi otp? ambi x rainbow blitz ambi x spike ambi x nicholas ambi x alex ambi x sunset shimmer 7/11 who is her worst hater?(haters of ambi go f**k yourself) Type answer. Hint: 19 characters 8/11 what game does she play most? yandere simulator minecraft dead space pokemon 9/11 what is her mascot`s name? Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 10/11 what are her ocs? Hint: 3 choices bubblegum shimmer bubble aria angel starlight bubblegum holly dash angel eclipse midnight scribbles bubblegum scribbler bubblegum sunset 11/11 how much do you love ambi? i hate her! oh my god! she`s cool i guess i don`t know i stalk her OH MY GOD I LOVE HER! SHE IS SO COOL she`s good but not as good as yum soda i subscribed but i only watch her when i`m bored