Can you be my friend? (1) Well... Lets see if you can be my friend or not my friend hehe, idk really ? WhatUdoin published on July 21, 2015 Stacked 1/11 Do you like pewwwdiepie Yas!! Aw hell naw, hes way to used Maybe...idk Meh 2/11 Do you like money/power? Nope... YEAH! I WANA BE THE PRESIDENT Just money 3/11 What games do you think I like? Hint: 4 choices Battlefield Halo 4 Sims 4 Call of duty Farming simulator Assassians creed Minecraft Nope these games SUCK 4/11 What do you think of me? YOUR AMAZING!! ???????? Your hot ? (awkward) Ewww, your the worst person I've met 5/11 Do you think blocky and pixel games are cool? (Like mc?) Wait... whats mc? Aw heck naw! Yah! Im a casual gamer 6/11 Ok, so honestly are you a bad person? Well... yeah ? Nope... I like unicorns and rainbows! Nope, Im just a gamer 7/11 Do you like gory games? (Like cod) Ewww, no! I can handle it, not to much though YES!!!! KILL THEM ALL! ???????????????????? 8/11 Casual or gory? Both are nice, Nah, im more casual KILL THEM ALL!! 9/11 Have you heard of minecraft? Still, whats minecraft/mc? Yeah! Everyone does KILL THEM AL- *sigh* Really? 10/11 So far, whats my favorite game? Type answer. Hint: 9 characters 11/11 Are you ready to see if your my friend? YESS!! No, your stupid and ugly Me: Ok... im not sensitive