Mental Health Awareness Quiz Test your knowledge about mental health with this quiz covering various aspects of mental well-being. delya90 published on July 19, 2024 Stacked 1/11 What is the most common mental health disorder? Schizophrenia Bipolar Disorder Depression Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 2/11 Which of the following is not a symptom of anxiety? Panic attacks Excessive worrying Euphoria Avoidance behaviors 3/11 What does ADHD stand for? Anxiety Disorder and Hopelessness Autism Development & Humor Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Alzheimer's Diagnosis Help 4/11 What is the best treatment for mental health disorders? Ignoring the symptoms Self-medication Therapy and medication Isolating yourself 5/11 What can be a cause of seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? Excessive sunlight exposure Warm weather conditions Lack of sunlight in winter months Overconsumption of sugar 6/11 Which age group is most affected by eating disorders? Teenagers only Elderly population Adolescents and young adults Middle-aged individuals 7/11 What is a common symptom of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)? Compulsive lying Extreme optimism Flashbacks and nightmares Excessive sleepiness 8/11 What is a good way to support someone with a mental health disorder? Stigmatizing their condition Minimizing their experiences Listening without judgment Ignoring their struggles 9/11 What is the term for the fear of social situations and interactions? Fearless Disorder Antisocial Syndrome Social Anxiety Disorder Crowd-phobia 10/11 Which of the following is not a mental health professional? Psychiatrist Clinical Psychologist Cardiologist Licensed Professional Counselor 11/11 What is one way to promote positive mental health? Avoiding social interactions Ignoring your emotions Regular exercise and healthy diet Isolation and self-sabotage