the weird quiz WARNING: this quiz is weird and immpossible. jrsidjo;fdjsolifdllkdfje- anonymous-user-n6Naf9 published on July 03, 2020 Stacked 1/7 what is a bgjrs ioejoi; trash talk idk bjitjbhtajipawrj 2/7 how do u get ur head stuck in da toilet? 2 answers Hint: 2 choices drink water and pee out of the toilet until u realize that ur stuck eat the toilet and use toilet paper as a napkin bash ur head in there 3/7 wut is 9+10= 00 21!!! 0 4/7 how do u hack Type answer 5/7 r u a noob Type answer 6/7 how do u burp poop you eat poop and then u burp it out no u fart it out! ew gross 7/7 pick 2 Hint: 2 choices yeet i dont know how to use the pc yes u do