how much you know about homwork123? he is a futrue famous youtuber. do you think he is awesome. hi hi hi?! homework123 published on March 03, 2016 Stacked 1/5 does homework123 have a lab? no yes NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2/5 who is is the best youtuber? DanTDM don't know HOMEWORK123 Duh!!!!! ... 3/5 who's better? sonic spongebob both! they are both awesome!!!! (this is the correct answer) 4/5 hi? hi ... why is there no question here? 5/5 are you ready for your score? yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no what kind of question is this? of course I'm NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!