are you a true pewdiepie bro Go bro army if you belive you are a true bro take this test and you will see how much of a bro you must be tdoghorton published on August 28, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Wht is pewdiepies real name Poodipie Felix Pewdiepie 2/10 How old is pewdiepie Type answer. Hint: 2 characters 3/10 Where is pewdiepie from Sweden Italy France 4/10 What is his girlfriend's youtube name Type answer. Hint: 14 characters 5/10 Where is pewdiepies gf from France Sweden Italy 6/10 What is pewdiepies gf name Cutiepie Marzia Poodiepie 7/10 Wht side is pewdiepie on Bros Barrels Crates 8/10 Who does pewdiepie play most co-op games with Ken Smosh Cry 9/10 Wht is pewdiepies mostly played game(s) Outlast Happywheels Amnesia B and c None of the above 10/10 Is pewdiepie the worlds best bro No Yes Most definitely He's ok Most definitely not