DanTDM Quiz (3) Do you know who DanTDM is? Trick Question! Of course you do! But how much do you really know him? Answer these questions about Dan and you'll see... CheetahLover05 published on March 20, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Where does Dan live? Duh, the UK umm, USA? easy! Scotland! 2/5 What are the two names of his two pet pugs? Hint: 2 choices Ellie He has pugs?! Darcie Eli 3/5 What pets does he have? A skeleton dog? Wut do u mean??!! Pugs? 4/5 Which of the following are series that Dan made up? Hint: 3 choices Diamond Dimensions Roblox Adventures Minecraft High School Drawing Your Comments Adventures with Trayaurus 5/5 Is Dan married? Uhh.... I don't know.... Yes, he's married. No he has a girlfriend. Do mean in Diamond Dimensions?