riverdale all seasons quiz! see if you can get 20/20 on this riverdale quiz! I HOPE YOU ENJOY! IF YOU WANT MORE QUIZZES comment! millie10walton published on December 01, 2018 Stacked 1/20 what is season 1 all about? Finding out who jason blossoms killer was why archie is dead who killed warden norton 2/20 who plays archie andrews? cole sprouse kj apa luke perry 3/20 who is the snake charmer on the southside penny peabody toni topaz 4/20 what does fp stand for? frederick powers forsythe pendleton fred paliston 5/20 what is the place polly cooper was sent t after her parents found out about her pregnancy? the sisters of quiet mercy a carehome thornhill care 6/20 what is the name of the lodges former butler smithering smith smithers 7/20 what colour eyes does the black hood have green blue red 8/20 who does jughead kiss after breaking up with betty veronica toni cheryl 9/20 who found jason blossoms body? kevin keller and moose mason jughead jones and betty cooper cheryl blossom and her parents 10/20 what of the riverdale biker gang? the smithsons the southside serpants the serpanties 11/20 who plays the character betty cooper? lili reinhart camila mendes shannon purser 12/20 what did polly name her baby twins? jupiter and hunny bun sweety and chic juniper and dagwood 13/20 who is the black hood? hal cooper sheriff manetta tom keller 14/20 what is the name of jugheads little sister? ginger snap jellybean jumpingjelly 15/20 what is the real name of polly and betty coopers half brother? charles smith chickety smith charlie smith 16/20 what is the name of archie andrews dog? Vegas Hot Dog Bruno Buster 17/20 what is the name of the weird creature that is the king of gryphons and gargoyles? the gargoyle king the gryphon king the king of g and g 18/20 What is the popular diner a lot of people go to in riverdale? Popin Lockin Pops chock'lit shoppe chocolatte shops 19/20 where did veronica lodge move from to riverdale? chicago new york vegas Los angeles 20/20 what is sheriff manettas full name tom manetta michael manetta mic manetta