Are you random? (2) Do you want to know how others see you? How random they think you are? Choose your destiny here... -w- HolidayStorm published on October 12, 2015 Stacked 1/11 Unicorns or Potatos? POTATO! UNICORN! UNITATO! 2/11 91 Hint: 2 choices 92...93...94...*goes on forever* 57, 64, 10, 34, QB7 YUS. EXACTLY. 3/11 District... 10 12 1 4/11 BOB97 WHAT?! Q4? FISH97 5/11 LEEDLE LEEDLE- Type answer. Hint: 17 characters 6/11 If you have 4 pencils and I have 7 apples, how many pancakes will fit on the roof? Purple, because aliens don't wear hats. Pencils are used to mash the apples to make apple pancakes so...2? Um...that doesn't add up... 7/11 STOP- TOUCHING MY BUTT, PLEASE! DROP AND ROLL! DON'T TALK TO ME! LOSER, LAME-O, WANNA BE! 8/11 Which is a name? Kelly Bob Fish 9/11 21 Is 21 the question, or the answer? :O 21 times itself would be 21. o-o wuts 9 + 10 10/11 Q97? Question 97? PotatoNommer97 Whaaat? o-o 11/11 My Milkshakes Bring All The Boys To The Yard, And They're Like- THEY'RE BETTER THAN YOURS! Wait...what about milkshakes and can I have one? o-o OH SHET DIS MILK IS ROTTEN, WHY GRANDMA?