Keeper of the lost cities-Who is better, Fitz or Keefe? The battle between Fitz or Keefe is never ending. Take this quiz to finally put an end to this debate Camilla1022 published on November 11, 2019 Stacked 1/6 Who went with Sophie on Silveny to go to the Black Swan? Dex Tam Keefe Fitz 2/6 Who is the better suitor for Sophie? Tam Fitz Keefe Jensi 3/6 Who does Sophie have a HUGE crush on? Dex Fitz Keefe Tam 4/6 Who ran away to the Neverseen and broke Sophie's heart? Fitz Keefe Tam Dex 5/6 Who is Sophie's cognate? Keefe Fitz Biana Linh 6/6 Who told Sophie she was an elf? Marella Jensi Keefe Fitz