Who knows Ashlee best (two)? This is the second "who knows ahlee best" Try your best at this quiz! This is by ashlee Ashr112233 published on April 28, 2016 Stacked 1/11 How many auntys does she have? 5 6 7 2/11 What does she do in her spear time? watch t.v Watch doctor who Play on chrombook 3/11 What is her favourite colour? purple blue silver 4/11 What is her favourite board game? Cluedo The game of life Snakes and ladders 5/11 If she went out to buy shoes what colour would they be? black pink and blue purple and black 6/11 What is her favourite fizzy drink? fanta coke sprite 7/11 What is her favourite computer game? ono Slither sims 8/11 What is her favourite game? Hide and seek tag ballrush 9/11 who would she trust with secrets? river Her mum issabella 10/11 What would she rather to do? Eat tommatos Give up her chrombook for a year Stay in the same clothes all year 11/11 Would she wear... dress with shorts t-shirt with shorts singlet with shorts