How Much Do You Know About Me? (13) How much do you know about me? Should be easy. The passing mark is 1. :p The_Cute_Cheetah_Girl published on July 27, 2015 Stacked 1/6 What's my favorite color? Orange. Green. Pink. Yellow. 2/6 What's my favorite face? :D :O :) :( 3/6 Which state have a visited? Kentucky. Texas. California. Nevada. 4/6 What's my favorite T.V show on Nickelodeon? (It's a cartoon. :p and it has an explaination point at the end.) Type answer. Hint: 22 characters 5/6 Which animals do I like the best? Hint: 2 choices Dog. Guinea pig. Cat. Turtle. 6/6 Who is my bff on qfeast? @Gracie15 @Tails_lover3 @Gothicskittlescupcake @Jesusfreak14 @The_gir_army @Pikachukitty @Wolfie_the_pet_wolf @Artistic_fairy All of the above. :D