Do you know anything about animal jam Or are you A noob? learn if you know about animal jam or if your a noob! so enjoy it and if you like it be sure to comment animaljamlove published on June 14, 2015 Stacked 1/8 whats the rarest item? rare fox hat everybody knows that there isn't one necklace rare spiked collar 2/8 How popular do you see an alpha healing staff on a jammer never they don't exist rlly rlly rarely because theyre glitched rlly rlly rarely because theyre unrealesed ALL THE TIME!!!!!! UMM DUNNO 3/8 is there a lama on aj there coming out soon YEP dunno 4/8 Was there a beta version nah yeah OMG I DUNNO UMM UM ! 5/8 is there an armadillo Hint: 2 choices ya ovcourse no I don't play dunno umm they could come but so far no rumors 6/8 how old Is animal jam 10000 years old because mira started it and shes 100000 10 years old dunno 7/8 is there a goat on animal jam? nope there could be I don't play it idk! oh forget It im a noob yes!!! duhh 8/8 is there an item involving poop? no im eating!!!!!! sorry ya there is its reindeer poop and bird poop yes theres wee and diareeha too even sick animal jam is gross!!!!!!!!!