School Health Program Choose appropriate answer Tangaran published on September 24, 2024 Stacked 1/10 ......... refers to coordinated, pre-planned, promoting and maintaining health status of learners and staff in a school. School program School Health program School Health service 2/10 The criteria for promoting school Health level are .......? Eight Three Five 3/10 School Health Program was initiated in 1995 1378 1984 4/10 Ogundele 2002, Ayonwo and ........... 2016 proposed health education Okeke Obinna Christian 5/10 Health observation is one of the ............. of school Health service. Aims Scope Level 6/10 What is the full name of your Registrar? Sani Usman Abdullahi Mai Tangaran Usman Sani Mai Tangaras Prof. Sani Usman Abdullahi 7/10 National global school Health initiative was found in ........? 1994 1995 1956 8/10 To develop health consciousness in learners is one of the ......... of school Health Program. Objectives Aims Influence 9/10 One the following consist a stark holder for implementation of SHP Local Communities SUG Parent/Teachers organization 10/10 Does WHO has a direct influence on school Health Program Probably not Definitely Yes Maybe