bashayer albinali quiz! its about me! thanks love you! hehe what else? lets start! bye bye ill miss everyone in the class shosho_albinali published on June 01, 2015 Stacked 1/8 what is my fav video game? call of duty ghosts assassins creed black flag assassins creed unity call of duty advanced warfare assassins creed brotherhood mario the witcher wild hunt watch dogs 2/8 do you hate me? haha i know u guys hate me yes no 3/8 what is my fav 2 things to do? Hint: 2 choices draw play video games bake 4/8 In what style do i draw? Hint: 2 choices anime manga realistic landscape pointllism portrait 5/8 byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye >_< ok bye. thanks LOL ur funny okaaaaaaaaaaaay.... see ya 6/8 where am i from ? LOL XD QATAR SUDAN JAPAN UAE 7/8 how old am i ? 11 12 14 13 8/8 what is my fav colours? Hint: 3 choices light green red dark blue baby pink light blue yellow black