Justin Bieber Quiz! How much do you know about Justin Bieber? Find out now by taking this fun new quiz! AmazinglyAmberYT published on October 26, 2023 Stacked 1/10 What is Justin Bieber's middle name? Drew Scott Michael 2/10 When is his birthday? July 24, 1989 March 1, 1994 December 30, 2000 3/10 What is one instrument that Justin knows how to play? Violin Saxophone Piano 4/10 What is the name of Justin's 3rd album? Under The Mistletoe Never Say Never U Smile 5/10 What is his favorite animal? Koala bear Tiger Giraffe 6/10 What is one thing Justin's afraid of? Washing machines Elevators Trucks 7/10 What's his favorite color? Blue Yellow Purple 8/10 What is his sister's first name? Jazmyn Julia Jasmine 9/10 What color are Justin's eyes? Gray Light brown Blue 10/10 How much did he weigh when he was born? 10 pounds 5 pounds, 2 ounces 7 pounds, 11 ounces