Take this Plz take this quiz and try to find out the answers and good luck?❣️? Taaytaay published on November 08, 2016 Stacked 1/8 Who's the loml ? Kj Jayden Idk Nobody 2/8 What's my fav food Chicken Macaroni and cheese Bacon All of the above ? 3/8 What's my middle name ? Abby Shakiya Destiny 4/8 What school do I go to ? Mendenhall Northeast Hairston 5/8 Who will I never stop messing with Iyana Jania Jaida Kiya All of above ? 6/8 When is my birthday ? May8 Jan17 Nov27 Jun7 7/8 Who's my bestfriend? Jaida Shaniya Idk 8/8 What's my fav color Blue Green Gold Pink