Common sense quiz! Hi! This is a quiz to test your common sense! I am sorry if this offended anyone but please know this was not meant to Teese it was just a simple quiz! Thanks! yeetusdeletus published on January 14, 2017 Stacked 1/8 If there is a fire you... Get any liquid and throw it at the fire. Me: gass as well? Stay. Away. From. The. Fire.... Sit and watch it burn 2/8 What is 2 + 2? Type answer. Hint: 1 character 3/8 Was that last answer hard to come by? What do you mean peep? I like cheesecake No not at ALL! 4/8 This is kinda harder then the last one's!What are the first 7 numbers to Pi? Mmmmm, pie.... 314.519 3.14159 5/8 If I make bread what will the colour be? Hint: 2 choices White ish! Yellow Kind of cream coloured 6/8 2+18 Type answer. Hint: 2 characters 7/8 Was the last answer hard to come by? Nope Yep but I did it! Wait what! Where did the pie go? 8/8 Cya! Hope you liked this quiz to test your common sense! Ok... CYA Can I go get pie now? Me: yes if you have pie in the fridge (or on a plate)