Poketest! (1) Test your Knowledge by taking this 8 question test and see if you are a worthy pokefan Pokemonlover published on August 02, 2014 Stacked 1/8 When was the pokemon games ruby and sapphire released in Japan? 2003 2005 2002 1998 2/8 What were Suicune Raikou and Entei known as? Power Packed trio The three dogs The Thundurus Fiery watery dogs 3/8 How many artificial pokemon are there in the pokemon universe? 12 6 8 4 4/8 Which generation does the pokemon Masquerain come from Generation 1 Generation 4 Generation 3 5/8 What do you do to make piloswine evolve in heartgold and soulsilver Level it up to level 30 Make it learn ancient power Trade piloswine to someone else 6/8 Which 2 pokemon was in Ash team in Generation 4? Hint: 2 choices Buizel Oshawott Staraptor piplup Snivy 7/8 Which pokemon was made from a stream full of human pollution? Grimer and Muk Trubbish and Garbodor Diglett and Dugtrio 8/8 Which pokemon has an IQ of 5000? Uxie Alakazam Mewtwo