How much do you know about Corpse party? Take this quiz to see how much you know about the Corpse party series, The games, animes and the movie Littlemrsmods published on October 31, 2014 Stacked 1/9 Who is Satoshi's younger sister? Naomi Yuka Seiko Yuna 2/9 What was the lastest game of the Kisaragi students? Blood drive Dead patient Repeated fear 3/9 Who died in the anime but survived in the game? Hint: 3 choices Yuka Satoshi Yoshiki Seiko 4/9 Name some of the OFFICAL ships (offical, meaning they have proof in the actual game/anime as a ship, not just made by fans) Hint: 3 choices NaomixSeiko YoshikixAyumi SatoshixNaomi KizamixYuka 5/9 Who killed Seiko and how She killed herself Sachiko pushed her into a hole Naomi hanged her 6/9 Who is the ONLY missing girl character in the movie (first name) Type answer. Hint: 4 characters 7/9 What is the names of the 3 ghosts? Yuki, Tokiko, Ryou Tiki, Yuka, Ruby Satoshi, Sachiko, sema 8/9 What is Seiko, Naomi and Satoshi's full name? It does not say there full name Naomi Nakishima, Seiko Shinohora, Satoshi Mochida Naomi Nakashima, Seiko Shinozaki, Satoshi Moshida 9/9 Who's blog did Ayumi get the Sachiko charm from? Type answer. Hint: 4 characters